Aggregate kinetics from the short-term component of the passive-only model. (A–C) Total aggregate volume, fraction of the total aggregate volume, and number of aggregates inside the mother (dark shaded) and the daughter cell (light shaded). (Continuous line) Shown here is the analytical prediction when numerically integrating Eq. S2 in the Supporting Material. (Dotted line) Numerical average from the stochastic simulations of the short-term component of the model. (D and E) Same as (B) and (C) for different rates of appearance and growth of aggregates. (A–C) N = 5, δt = 0.1 s, τm = 12 min, and τd = 120 min. In (D) and (E), N = 1 and δt = 0.25 s; all other parameters were set to the values in Table S1. Results were averaged over 1024 realizations.