Differences between the outputs of the passive-only model and experimental observations. (A) Histogram of the total number of cross-compartment crossing events from mother to bud (M > B) and from bud to mother (B > M). (A) (Inset) Fraction of total cross-compartment events in each direction. (B) Average number of crossing events M > B (line) and B > M (dashed line) after a cell division cycle as a function of the parameter τm. (C) Logarithm of the diffusion rate of an aggregate with radius ria (top), number of crossing events from mother to daughter (middle), and from daughter to mother (bottom) for different values of β and γ after a cell division cycle. In (A), N = 5, δt = 0.1 s, τm = 12 min, and τd = 120 min. In (B) and (C), N = 1, δt = 0.25 s, and τm = 12 min; in (C), τd = 120 min; all other parameters were set to the values in Table S1. Results were averaged over 1024 realizations.