Figure 8.
Long-term results from the AQC variants of the passive-only model. (A) Total aggregate volume inside the mother cell at the end of the 28th division. (B) Average number of crossing events from mother to bud (continuous line) and from bud to mother (dotted line). (C and D) Total number of aggregates and the total aggregate volume inside the mother cell (top) and inside the daughter cell (bottom). (E) Probability of inheritance of at least one aggregate by the daughter cell at the end of cell division. (F) Probability of inheritance of the largest aggregate, if it exists, by the daughter cell. Error bars correspond to the SE. In all simulations, δt = 0.5, τm = 100 min, and τd = 1000 min; all other parameters were set to the values in Table S1. Results were averaged over 1024 realizations.