Figure 4.
Oxidative stress parameters and lipid peroxidation in whole blood cells (containing both total red blood cells and leukocyte populations) of mild Alzheimer’s disease (mAD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients, as well as of adult and elderly healthy subjects. Intracellular reduced glutathione (GSH) contents (nmol/mg protein) (A); intracellular oxidized glutathione (GSSG) contents (nmol/mg protein) (B); GSSG/GSH ratios (C); and intracellular malondialdehyde (MDA) contents (nmol/mg protein) (D). Data are shown as the mean (horizontal bar) of 11–15 values corresponding to the number of subjects analyzed in each group (13 adult, 15 elderly, 13 mAD, and 13 AD). Each value is the mean of duplicate assays. a: P < 0.05, aa: P < 0.01, and aaa: P < 0.001 with respect to the value in adult subjects; b: P < 0.05, bb: P < 0.01, and bbb: P < 0.001 with respect to the value in elderly subjects; and c: P < 0.05 and cc: P < 0.01 with respect to the value in mAD patients.