Figure 3.
Agrobacterium-mediated infiltration assays of RxLR_PVITv1008311 in Vitis vinifera and V. riparia. The relative RxLR PVITv1008311 expression levels were measured during the infection of V. vinifera (a) at different hours post-infection (hpi), in sporangia (b) and one week after infiltration with the RxLR effector PVITv1008311 or the empty vector in V. vinifera (c) and V. riparia (d). The error bars of the relative abundance of the transcript normalized to the P. viticola elongation factor eIF1b in each panel represent the standard deviation of three independent plants or experiments. The necrosis visible on V. riparia leaf in panel (d) is due to dead cells stained in dark blue after trypan blue staining (e). The scale bar represents 5 mm in panels c, d, e and 20 μm in the microscopic pictures in (e).