Fig. 6.
A putative substrate-entrance tunnel. a A putative substrate-entrance tunnel in the MacAB structure (PDB: 5NIK) calculated by the program CAVER 3.0.1. The tunnel is shown in mesh and the route is indicated as dotted red lines. The gating ring and the guard helix are colored in red. The B-factor putty presentation of (b) MacB and (c) Spr0695. The electrostatics potential of TM helices is shown in transparent surface. The guard helix of Spr0695 docks to the acidic pocket of TM helices and has a relatively lower B-factor, whereas the guard helix of MacB shifts away from the pocket and the B-factor is much higher. d Vmax values of the ATPase activities of Spr0694–0695, Spr0693–0694–0695 and mutants. Spr0695M3 represents a mutant that harboring three positively charged residues Lys207, Arg208, and Lys210 on the guard helix substituted to alanine. At least three independent assays were performed to calculate the means and standard deviations, and the data are presented as the means ± S.D. Two-tailed Student’s t test is used for the comparison of statistical significance. The p values of <0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 are indicated with *, ** and ***, respectively