Fig. 2.
AICDA overexpression induces DNA methylation heterogeneity and hypomethylation in VavP-Bcl2+Aicda tumors. a Density plot showing the inter-tumor pairwise methylation distance between ERRBS profiles of VavP-Bcl2 and VavP-Bcl2+Aicda tumors. VavP-Bcl2+Aicda tumors have greater pairwise distance, indicating increased inter-tumor heterogeneity among methylation profiles; two-sided Wilcoxon's signed-rank test. b Density scatterplot showing the relationship between methylation change (x-axis) and change in inter-tumor diversity (y-axis) for all CpGs manifesting >20% combined methylation level difference and/or IQR difference. c–e Scatterplots showing shift in mean methylation values (c), inter-tumor diversity (d), and intra-tumor heterogeneity (e) of AICDA perturbation signature between VavP-Bcl2 and VavP-Bcl2+Aicda. f Bar plot showing the distribution of AICDA-perturbed CpGs relative to the distribution of all represented CpGs; Fisher’s exact test. g Bar plot showing the relative distribution of AICDA-perturbed CpGs within proximity to CpG islands; Fisher’s exact test (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001)