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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: LGBT Health. 2017 Dec 22;5(1):6–32. doi: 10.1089/lgbt.2017.0053

Table 4.

Theorized Relationship-Level Protective Factors and Their Associations with Sexual Health Outcomes

Protective factor Factor measure (as specified in articles) Outcome Type of association Sexual minority population Article Summary
Peer relationships
Peer norms about safer sex Peer condom norms/peer norms regarding condom use Unprotected insertive anal sex Protective African American MSM Bakeman et al.24 Protective: 16; null: 11; risk: 0
Unprotected receptive anal sex Protective Hart et al.31
Peer condom norms UAI with main partners Protective African American MSM Bakeman et al.24
UAI with casual partners Protective
Peer norms about condoms Avoidance of UAI Protective HIV+ YMSM Forney et al.29
Avoidance of UAI Protective HIV − YMSM
Peer norms about condoms HIV testing Null Young African American MSM Mashburn et al.39
Peer norms about condom use Ever having been tested for HIV Null YMSM Sumartojo et al.54
HIV testing in the last 3 months Null
Peer norms regarding condom use UAI Protective Young African American MSM Hart et al.31
Peer norms regarding condom use—Strongly agree versus disagree/strongly disagree Any UAI Protective Young Black MSM Jones et al.35
Any UIAI Protective
Any URAI Protective
Peer norms regarding condom use—Agree versus disagree/strongly disagree Any UAI Null
Any UIAI Null
Any URAI Null
Perceived norms around condom use and safer sex Exchange of sex for money or valuables Null MSM Kelly et al.36
Perceived condom norms Sexual risk compositea—No risk versus high risk Protective
Young African American MSM Peterson et al.45
Sexual risk compositea—Low risk versus high risk
Safer sex peer norms Number of sex partners (3 months) Protective YMSM in St. Petersburg and their social networks Amirkhanian et al.23
Having unprotected vaginal or anal intercourse (3 months) Protective
Number of unprotected vaginal or anal sex acts (3 months) Protective
Paid or received money for sex (1 year) Protective
Testing positive for an STD at baseline Null
Safer sex peer norms UAI in past 6 months among participants age 15–17 Protective Young GB men Waldo et al.56
UAI in past 6 months among participants age 18–22 Null
Social support from friends for condoms UAI Null YMSM in California Molitor et al.41
Social network characteristics Social network: number of sex partners (3 months) Number of sex partners (3 months) Protective YMSM in St. Petersburg and their social networks Amirkhanian et al.23 Protective: 5; null: 6; risk: 0
Social network: having unprotected vaginal or anal intercourse (3 months) Having unprotected vaginal or anal intercourse (3 months) Protective
Social network: testing positive for an STD at baseline Testing positive for an STD at baseline Protective
Social network: paid or received money for sex (1 year) Paid or received money for sex (1 year) Protective
Social network: number of unprotected vaginal or anal sex acts (3 months) Number of unprotected vaginal or anal sex acts (3 months) Null
How many friends are gay or bisexual UAI Protective Young HIV − GB men Hays et al. (1997a)32
UAI Null Young HIV+ GB men
UAI Null Young untested GB men
Friends sexual orientation— Mostly homosexual versus mostly heterosexual Never having been tested for HIV Null MSM living in Douala, Cameroon Lorente et al.38
Friends sexual orientation— Mostly homosexual versus mixed homosexual and heterosexual Never having been tested for HIV Null
Friends sexual orientation— Mostly homosexual versus does not know/has no friends Never having been tested for HIV Null
Peer connectedness Social isolation from friends (i.e., association interpreted as inverse of “connection to friends”) Nonconcordant UAI in past 3 months Protective YMSM Glick and Golden30 Protective: 3; null: 2; risk: 0
New HIV/STI diagnosis Null
Peer connectedness—A little connected versus not at all connected Inconsistent condom use Protective African American, Latino, and multiracial YMSM in Los Angeles and New York Mutchler et al.42
Peer connectedness—Very connected versus not at all connected Inconsistent condom use Protective
Peer connectedness— Somewhat connected versus not at all connected Inconsistent condom use Null
Friends’ support Social support from friends Sexual risk behaviorsb Risk Young LGBs Shilo and Mor51 Protective: 1; null: 0; risk: 3
Social support from friends Internet use for seeking sex Risk Young GB men Shilo and Mor52
Sexual risk behaviorsb Risk
Support received from Black gay/bisexual male friends Delayed HIV testing Protective Young Black MSM Scott et al.49
Communication with peers Communication about safer sex—told a friend about protecting self UAI Null Young Black MSM Jones et al.35 Protective: 1; null: 8; risk: 0
Communication about safer sex—friend told participant about protecting self UAI Null
Disclosure of HIV+ serostatus status to friend/other person UAI Null HIV+ YMSM (includes transgender women) Cook et al.27
UAI with serodiscordant partner Null
Discussing condoms with friends Condom use during last intercourse with a casual partner Protective Urban Tanzanian MSM Nyoni and Ross43
Disclosure Peer knowledge of MSM behavior UAI Null Urban Latino YMSM O’Donnell et al.44 Protective: 0; null: 4; risk: 0
UAI at last sex with main partner Null
UAI at last sex with nonmain partner Null
Proportion of friends who knew of same-sex sexual behavior Sexual health screening in the last 6 months for YMSM Null Young gay, bisexual, and other MSM Siconolfi et al.53
Family relationships
Support General relationship quality compositec UAI in past 6 months Null YMSM Thoma and Huebner55 Protective:1; null: 12; risk: 0
Maternal support: when first came out Nonconcordant UAI in past 3 months Null YMSM Glick and Golden30
New HIV/STI diagnosis Null
Maternal support: current Nonconcordant UAI in past 3 months Null
New HIV/STI diagnosis Protective
Paternal support: when first came out Nonconcordant UAI in past 3 months Null
New HIV/STI diagnosis Null
Paternal support: current Nonconcordant UAI in past 3 months Null
New HIV/STI diagnosis Null
Social support from family Sexual risk compositeb Null Young LGBs Shilo and Mor51
Social support from family Internet use for seeking sex partners Null Young GB men Shilo and Mor52
UAI in past 6 months Null
Sexual risk compositeb Null
Disclosure Disclosure of HIV-positive serostatus status to a family member UAI Protective HIV+ YMSM (includes transgender women) Cook et al.27 Protective: 2; null: 7; risk: 1
Ever came out to a mother or mother figure Nonconcordant UAI in past 3 months Null YMSM Glick and Golden30
New HIV/STI diagnosis Null
Ever came out to a father or father figure Nonconcordant UAI in past 3 months Risk
New HIV/STI diagnosis Null
Outness to cohabitating parents UAI in past 6 months Null YMSM Thoma and Huebner55
Parental knowledge of MSM behavior UAI Null Urban Latino YMSM O’Donnell et al.44
UAI with main partner Null
UAI with nonmain partner Null
Sexual orientation known by family members HIV status Protective MSM in NE China Xu et al.58
Acceptance Family acceptance UAI or UVI in past 6 months with casual partner or a steady partner who was nonmonogamous or serodiscordant for HIV Null LGBT adolescents Ryan et al.48 Protective: 1; null: 9; risk: 0
Family expressed disapproval of sex with men (i.e., association interpreted as inverse of “family approval”) UAI Null Young Black MSM Jones et al.35
UAI with main partner Null
UAI with nonmain partner Null
Family rejection (i.e., association interpreted as lack of family rejection)— Low family acceptance versus high family acceptance UAI with casual partner in past 6 months Protective White and Latino LGB young adults Ryan et al.47
UAI with casual partner at last intercourse Null
STD diagnosis Null
Family rejection (i.e., association interpreted as lack of family rejection)— Low family acceptance versus medium family acceptance UAI with casual partner in past 6 months Null
UAI with casual partner at last intercourse Null
STD diagnosis Null
Connectedness Social isolation from family (i.e., association interpreted as inverse of “connection to family”) Nonconcordant UAI in past 3 months Protective YMSM Glick and Golden30 Protective: 1; null: 1; risk: 0
New HIV/STI diagnosis Null
Communication Sexual communication scaled UAI in past 6 months Risk YMSM Thoma and Huebner55 Protective: 0; null: 0; risk: 1
Monitoring Parental monitoring UAI in past 6 months Null YMSM Thoma and Huebner55 Protective: 0; null: 1; risk: 0
Romantic/Sexual partners
Communication about safer sex with partners Asking partner to disclose their HIV status Condom use at last intercourse with casual partner Protective Urban Tanzanian MSM Nyoni and Ross43 Protective: 12; null: 21; risk: 0
Disclosed HIV status to sex partners/boyfriends Condom use during oral sex within last 3 months Protective HIV+ MSM Hightow-Weidman et al.34
Condom use during insertive anal intercourse within last 3 months Protective
Condom use during receptive anal intercourse within last 3 months Protective
Disclosure of HIV-positive serostatus to a sex partner/romantic partner UAI in last 3 months Null HIV+ YMSM (study includes transgender women) Cook et al.27
UAI with serodiscordant partner Null
Ever asked by a partner about HIV testing History of HIV testing Protective Young men of color who have sex with men (study includes transgender women) Cohall et al.26
Ever asked partner about partner’s HIV test History of HIV testing Protective
New partner asked for HIV testing Frequency of testing Null (P < .10) Urban YMSM of color Leonard et al.37
Sexual communication about condom use with casual partners Lifetime consistent condom use during oral or anal sex with regular partner Null Chinese MSM in Beijing Xiao et al.57
Consistent condom use with regular partner in last three episodes of oral or anal sex Null
Lifetime consistent condom use during oral or anal sex with casual partner Null
Consistent condom use with casual partner in last three episodes of oral or anal sex Null
Sexual communication about condom use with regular partners Lifetime consistent condom use during oral or anal sex with regular partner Protective
Consistent condom use with regular partner in last three episodes of oral or anal sex Protective
Lifetime consistent condom use during oral or anal sex with casual partner Null
Consistent condom use with casual partner in last three episodes of oral or anal sex Null
Sexual communication about HIV/STDs with casual partners Lifetime consistent condom use during oral or anal sex with regular partner Null
Consistent condom use with regular partner in last three episodes of oral or anal sex Null
Lifetime consistent condom use during oral or anal sex with casual partner Null
Consistent condom use with casual partner in last three episodes of oral or anal sex Null
Sexual communication about HIV/STDs with regular partners Lifetime consistent condom use during oral or anal sex with regular partner Protective
Consistent condom use with regular partner in last three episodes of oral or anal sex Protective
Lifetime consistent condom use during oral or anal sex with casual partner Null
Consistent condom use with casual partner in last three episodes of oral or anal sex Null
Sexual communication about sexual history with casual partners Lifetime consistent condom use during oral or anal sex with regular partner Null
Consistent condom use with regular partner in last three episodes of oral or anal sex Null
Lifetime consistent condom use during oral or anal sex with casual partner Null
Consistent condom use with casual partner in last three episodes of oral or anal sex Null
Sexual communication about sexual history with regular partners Lifetime consistent condom use during oral or anal sex with regular partner Protective
Consistent condom use with regular partner in last three episodes of oral or anal sex Protective
Lifetime consistent condom use during oral or anal sex with casual partner Null
Consistent condom use with casual partner in last three episodes of oral or anal sex Null
Quality of communication with partners Feel embarrassed or find it difficult discussing condom use with sexual partners Condom use at last intercourse with casual partner Protective Urban Tanzanian MSM Nyoni and Ross43 Protective: 2; null: 5; risk: 0
Safer sex communication (i.e., comfort with) Sexual risk compositee Null Asian MSM Shapiro and Vives50
Safer sex communication scalef UAI within last 6 months Protective YMSM in California Molitor et al.41
Sexual communication skills UAI Null (P < .10) Young GB men (HIV+) Hays et al. (1997a)32
UAI Null (P < .10) Young GB men (HIV−)
UAI Null (P < .10) Young GB men (untested)
Sexual communication skills UAI with a boyfriend Null (P < .10) Young gay men in a boyfriend relationship Hays et al. (1997b)33
Medical providers
Communication with medical providers Counselor or other professional suggested (HIV testing) HIV testing—High frequency versus low frequency Null Urban YMSM of color Leonard et al.37 Protective: 4; null: 3; risk: 0
Offered as part of my regular medical care HIV testing—High frequency versus low frequency Null (P > .1)
Healthcare provider communication Hepatitis A vaccination Protective African American MSM Rhodes et al.46
No advice on HIV or STD prevention or testing (association interpreted as inverse of received advice) HIV+ Protective African American MSM Dorell et al.28
Sexual identity disclosed to health provider (yes, disclosed) HIV+ Protective
Provider prevention discussions No testing/HIV testing/HIV and STD testing Protective YMSM Meanley et al.40
Source of HIV/AIDS knowledge—clinical doctors HIV infection Null MSM in NE China Xu et al.58
Quality of communication with medical providers Provider comfort No testing/HIV testing/HIV and STD testing Null YMSM Meanley et al.40 Protective: 0; null: 1; risk: 0

Number of times participants had anal sex as a top and as a bottom in last 3 months and how often a condom was used for both behaviors.


UAI, use of drugs and alcohol before or during sex.


Maternal and paternal warmth, support, and attachment.


Composite of issues discussed with parents such as HIV/AIDS, condoms, choosing partners.


Multiple/anonymous partners, inconsistent condom use, no HIV test, unprotected alcohol-related sex.


Perceived efficacy and experience with communication with partners.

GB, gay or bisexual; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; LGB, lesbian, gay, or bisexual; STD, sexually transmitted disease; UAI, unprotected anal intercourse; UIAI, unprotected insertive anal intercourse; URAI, unprotected receptive anal intercourse. UVI, unprotected vaginal intercourse.