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. 2017 Dec 29;17(71):246–252. doi: 10.15557/JoU.2017.0036

Tab. 1.

Clinical and biochemical characteristics of patients, CSA, MTNF and TCNS results. Group I – diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy, Group II – diabetic patients without peripheral neuropathy, Group III – non-diabetic subjects

Clinical and biochemical characteristics Group I
(N = 75)
Group II
(N = 58)
Group III
(N = 75)
Age in years (Mean +/− SD)
59.30 +/− 12.11
46.98 +/− 6.82
39.54 +/− 10.12
Duration of diabetes in years (Mean +/− SD)
13.98 +/− 7.06
7.53 +/− 4.26
Male : Female 46 : 29 32 : 26 44 : 31
Weight in kg (mean +/− SD)
78.52 +/− 9.60
63.24 +/− 9.89
63.34 +/− 10.33
Systolic blood pressure in mmHg (mean +/− SD)
138.48 +/− 10.37
121.48 +/− 9.58
120.77 +/− 9.34
Diastolic blood pressure in mmHg (mean +/− SD)
83.46 +/− 6.54
76.68 +/− 6.19
76.26 +/− 6.09
HbA1c levels in % (mean +/− SD)
7.84 +/− 1.20
5.92 +/− 0.69
5.23 +/− 0.23
CSA of the tibial nerve in mm2 (mean +/− SD)
22.63 +/− 2.66
14.40 +/− 1.72
12.42 +/− 1.10
MTNF of the tibial nerve in mm (mean +/− SD)
0.47 +/− 0.09
0.23 +/− 0.06
0.20 +/− 0.05
TCNS (mean +/− SD)
10.14 +/− 3.45
1.67 +/− 1.61

CSA – cross sectional area; DN – diabetic neuropathy; HRUS – high resolution ultrasonography; MTNF – maximum thickness of nerve fascicles; MRI – magnetic resonance imaging; NCS – nerve conduction study; r – Pearson correlation coefficient value; TCNS – Toronto Clinical Neuropathy score; US – ultrasonography