Increased gp120-specific IgG responses in mice primed with TM1 modified Envs. (A) Immunogens and doses used in prime/boost immunizations. (B) Timeline of immunizations and sample collection. (C, D) VACV lysate-specific IgG was measured by ELISA using serum from mice primed twice with VACV vectors encoding (C) 89.6 N7 or (D) JRFL Envs or Gag-Pol. Data represent the mean OD using serum diluted (C) 1:20,000 and (D) 1:30,000. (E) 89.6 N7 gp120-specific IgG and (F) JRFL gp120-specific IgG were measured by ELISA in mice primed with the indicated VACV vectors and boosted with (E) 89.6 N7 gp120 or (F) JRFL gp120. (G, H) MN gp41-specific IgG was measured by ELISA for both (G) 89.6 N7 and (H) JRFL immunizations. Time points on graphs correspond to the sera collected after the indicated immunizations. N = 8–10 mice per immunized group. Separate unimmunized mice (N = 4) were used as negative controls in (D) and (F). Error bars indicate the SEM, and asterisks denote a significant difference (p < 0.05) between WT CT and TM1 groups by one-way ANOVA with Tukey's test on log-transformed data.