Figure 2.
Co-treatment with glyburide and RA improves wound healing as compared to treatment of glyburide alone. (A) Left: Daily record of wound closure in HFD-mice treated with ctrl, glyburide, or glyburide/RA co-treatment. Data were presented as mean ± SD. A two-way ANOVA test was used *p < 0.05 (Ctrl vs. glyburide); †p < 0.05, ††p < 0.01, †††p < 0.001 (Ctrl vs. glyburide + RA); #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01 (glyburide vs. glyburide + RA) (N = 6 in each group), Ctrl = Control. Right: Representative cutaneous wound on day 1, 3 and 7 after wound creation. (B) qPCR analyses of M1 and M2 markers in wound tissues was presented as mean ± SD. A two-way ANOVA test was used *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001 (Ctrl vs. glyburide); †p < 0.05, †††p < 0.001 (Ctrl vs. glyburide + RA); #p < 0.05 (glyburide vs. glyburide + RA) (N = 6 in each group).