Fig. 4.
Photoelectrochemical water splitting with the Au@Nb@HxK1−xNbO3 NPP photoelectrode. a Current-potential characteristics of the Au@Nb@HxK1−xNbO3 photoelectrode in 0.5 M Na2SO4 solution (pH 6.8) under chopped (orange line) and continuous (green dashed line) AM 1.5G simulated sunlight illumination. The dark current is plotted alongside (dark dotted line). b, c Wavelength-dependent photocurrent-time plots (baseline subtracted) of a HxK1−xNbO3 NS (b) and a Au@Nb@HxK1−xNbO3 NPP photoelectrodes (c) under irradiation of AM 1.5G simulated sunlight (gray line) equipped with different long-pass filters (colored solid lines) in the presence of an anodic bias of 1 V (vs. Ag/AgCl). Absorption spectra of the HxK1−xNbO3 NSs (black dashed line in b) and AM 1.5G simulated sunlight (filled squares in c) illumination after passing a UV cutoff filter (blue dashed line in c) or different colored glass filters (green, red, brown, and black dashed line in c) are plotted alongside for comparison. b Photocurrent-time plot (baseline subtracted) of the HxK1−xNbO3 NS photoelectrode under integral red-NIR illumination in the presence of an anodic bias of 1 V (vs. Ag/AgCl). d Fluence-dependent photocurrent-time plots (baseline subtracted) of the Au@Nb@HxK1−xNbO3 NPP photoelectrode. e Postulated charge transfer on the Au@Nb@HxK1−xNbO3 NPP heterojunction starts with the photoabsorption process. f Iin as a function of simulated sunlight intensity of the Au@Nb@HxK1−xNbO3 NPP photoelectrode. g Postulated charge transfer on the Au@Nb@HxK1−xNbO3 NPP heterojunction via a two sequential one-photon absorption process. h Iin as a function of the intensity of either simulated sunlight (gray line) or integral VIS-NIR light (blue line) for the HxK1−xNbO3 NS photoelectrode. h Fluence-dependent photocurrent-time plots (baseline subtracted) of the HxK1−xNbO3 NS photoelectrode. i Schematic illustration of the 3D metal-semiconductor heterojunction of the Au@Nb@HxK1−xNbO3 NPP photoelectrode. j, k Normalized Au (j) and Nb (k) L3-edge XAS spectra of the Au@Nb@HxK1−xNbO3 NPPs collected in the presence and absence of AM 1.5G simulated sunlight. The difference in absorbance (∆A) between the aforementioned two conditions is plotted alongside. Abbreviations used: NS, nanoscroll; NPP, nanopeapod; VIS, visible, NIR, near-infrared, Iin, initial photocurrent shoot at the light-on instant; EF, Fermi level; E, electric field, k, wavenumber; ITO, tin-doped indium oxide