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. 2017 Sep 12;27(1):159–171. doi: 10.1007/s11136-017-1696-0

Table 5.

CoLQ item scores and differences between young adult men with bleeding disorders and the CoLQ norm group

Milestones Men with bleeding disorders (n = 78) Norm group (n = 321) p
N % N %
Autonomy development
 Regular chores/tasks in your family, elementary school
  Yes 31 39.7 121 37.7 0.80
  No 47 60.3 200 62.3
 Paid chores, elementary school
  Yes 33 42.3 78 24.3 0.00*
  No 45 57.7 243 75.7
 Regular chores/tasks in your family, middle and/or high school
  Yes 42 53.8 160 49.8 0.53
  No 36 46.2 161 50.2
 Paid jobs, middle and/or high school
  At the age of 18 or younger 29 37.2 275 85.7 0.00*
  At the age of 19 or older/never 49 62.8 46 14.3
 For the first time vacation without adults
  At the age of 17 or younger 31 39.7 132 41.1 0.90
  At the age of 18 or older/never 47 60.3 189 58.9
 Leaving your parents home
  Not living with your parents 44 56.4 181 56.4 1.00
  Still living with your parents 34 43.6 140 43.6
Social development
 At least one year of membership in a sports club/competitive sports, elementary school
  Yes 58 74.4 260 81.0 0.21
  No 20 25.6 61 19.0
 Number of friends in kindergarten through third grade, elementary school
  4 or more 44 56.4 194 60.4 0.52
  Less than 4 34 43.6 127 39.6
 Number of friends in fourth–sixth grade, elementary school
  4 or more 51 65.4 198 61.7 0.60
  Less than 4 27 34.6 123 38.3
 Best friend, elementary school
  Yes 62 79.5 217 67.6 0.04
  No 16 20.5 104 32.4
 Most of the time playing with…, elementary school
  Friends 65 83.3 268 83.5 1.00
  Brothers and/or sisters, parents, on your own 13 16.7 53 16.5
 At least one year of membership in a sports club/competitive sports, middle and/or high school
  Yes 46 59.0 206 64.2 0.43
  No 32 41.0 115 35.8
 Number of friends, middle and/or high school
  4 or more 53 67.9 200 62.3 0.43
  less than 4 25 32.1 121 37.7
 Best friend, middle and/or high school
  Yes 52 66.7 186 57.9 0.20
  No 26 33.3 135 42.1
 Belonging to a group of friends, middle and/or high school
  Yes 62 79.5 246 76.6 0.65
  No 16 20.5 75 23.4
 Leisure time, mainly with …, middle and/or high school
  Friends 65 83.3 257 80.1 0.63
  Brothers and/or sisters, parents, on your own 13 16.7 64 19.9
 Going out to a bar or disco, middle and/or high school
  Sometimes/often 60 76.9 236 73.5 0.57
  Never 18 23.1 85 26.5
 At least one year of membership in a sports club/competitive sports, after middle and/or high school
  Yes 39 50.0 138 43.0 0.31
  No 39 50.0 183 57.0
Psychosexual development
 First girlfriend/boyfriend
  At the age of ≤17 years 54 69.2 190 59.2 0.12
  At the age of ≥18 years 24 30.8 131 40.8
 For the first time falling in love
  At the age of ≤18 years 74 94.9 274 85.4 0.02
  At the age of ≥19 years 4 5.1 47 14.6
 For the first time sexual intimacy
  At the age of ≤18 years 62 79.5 221 68.6 0.07
  At the age of ≥19 years 16 20.5 100 31.2
 For the first time sexual intercourse
  At the age of ≤18 years 55 70.5 164 51.1 0.00***
  At the age of ≥19 years 23 29.5 157 48.9

* p < 0.008 based on χ 2 adjusted for multiple testing (autonomy development)

** p < 0.004 based on χ 2 adjusted for multiple testing (social development)

*** p < 0.013 based on χ 2 adjusted for multiple testing (psychosexual development)