CG5445 inhibits accumulation of detergent-insoluble TDP-43 M337V. (Top panels) Fly heads expressing TDP-43 M337V on day 2 and day 12 (A to C) and day 1 (D and E) posteclosion were subjected to immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies, with (B, C, and E) or without (A and D) separation into Triton-soluble and -insoluble fractions. Arrowheads and asterisks indicate monomeric TDP-43 M337V and HMW smearing, respectively. (Bottom panels) Values represent means and standard deviations of the relative band intensities of TDP-43 (normalized to actin) obtained from four independent experiments. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.005; N.S., not significant. Genotypes are UAS-TDP-43 M337V-Myc/+; GMR-Gal4/+, UAS-TDP-43 M337V-Myc/UAS-CG5445; GMR-Gal4/+, UAS-TDP-43 M337V-Myc/+; GMR-Gal4/UAS-CG5445ΔUBA, and UAS-TDP-43 M337V-Myc/+; GMR-Gal4/UAS-CG5445ΔFW (A to C) and UAS-TDP-43 M337V-Myc/GMR-Gal4 and UAS-TDP-43 M337V-Myc/GMR-Gal4; UAS-CG5445 RNAi/+ (D and E). Adult flies were aged at 29°C.