Improved performance of modified AFM cantilevers. (A) Schematic of the assay showing a polyprotein consisting of four domains of NuG2 (red) and one domain of α3D (blue) being unfolded with a Warhammer cantilever. (B–E) Images of cantilevers prior to gold removal: an unmodified BioLever Mini (B), a standard Mod Mini (C), a Long-cut Mod Mini (D), and a Warhammer (E). The cantilever’s spring constant is noted below each image. (F) Comparison of the force PSD for each cantilever using the color code denoted in (B)–(E). (G) Force precision over a given averaging time, technically the Allan deviation (17). At the very shortest times, the motion of the cantilever becomes correlated, distorting the force precision calculation. This region of the curve is de-emphasized using a dashed line.