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. 2018 Jan 16;10:7. doi: 10.1186/s13148-017-0437-0

Table 1.

Clinical and functional characteristics of the study patients

Anthropometric variables Lung cancer N = 20 Lung cancer-COPD N = 20
Age, years 64 (12) 65 (9)
Male, N/female, N 13/7 20/0
BMI, kg/m2 26 (5) 26 (5)
Smoking history
 Current: N, % 12, 60 14, 70
 Ex-smoker: N, % 5, 25 6, 30
 Never smoker: N,% 3, 15 0, 0
 Pack-years 53 (25) 57 (20)
Lung function testing
 vFEV1, % pred 92 (8) 61 (14)¶¶¶
 FEV1/FVC, % pred 77 (6) 60 (8)¶¶¶
 DLCO, % pred 88 (12) 72 (21)¶¶¶
 KCO, % pred 88 (11) 73 (17)¶¶¶
TNM staging
 Stage IA: N, % 5, 25 5, 25
 Stage IB: N, % 0, 0 4, 20
 Stage IIA: N, % 1, 5 6, 30
 Stage IIB: N, % 4, 20 2, 10
 Stage IIIA: N, % 3, 15 3, 15
 Stage IIIB: N, % 4, 20 0, 0
 Stage IV: N, % 3, 15 0, 0
Histological diagnosis
 Squamous cell carcinoma: N, % 6, 30 5, 25
 Adenocarcinoma: N, % 11, 55 14, 70
 Others: N, % 3, 15 1, 5
Blood parameters
 Total leucocytes/μL 8.3 103 (1.9 103) 9.2 103 (2.1 103)
 Total neutrophils/μL 5.7 103 (2.1 103) 6.3 103 (1.7 103)
 Total lymphocytes/μL 1.7 103 (650) 2.1·103 (617)
 Albumin (g/dL) 4.4 (0.4) 4.0 (0.5)¶¶
 Total proteins (g/dL) 7.4 (0.5) 7.1 (0.6)
 Fibrinogen (mg/dL) 485 (99) 409 (77)¶¶
 CRP (mg/dL) 1.1 (1.1) 1.7 (1.2)
 GSV (mm/h) 20 (7.4) 30 (16.8)
 Ceruloplasmin (g/dL) 26.2 (4.8) 26.5 (4.8)
Body weight loss, kg
 0, N, % 18, 90 17, 85
 1–4, N, % 2, 10 1, 5
 5–8, N, % 0, 0 2, 10
 9–12, N, % 0, 0 0, 0

Continuous variables are presented as mean (standard deviation), while categorical variables are presented as the number of patients in each group and percentage of the total population

Abbreviations: N number, kg kilograms, m meters, BMI body mass index, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in the first second, pred predicted, FVC forced vital capacity, DLco, carbon monoxide transfer, KCO Krogh transfer factor, TNM tumor, nodes, metastasis, CRP C-reactive protein, GSV globular sedimentation velocity, L liter

p < 0.05, ¶¶p < 0.01, ¶¶¶p < 0.001 between LC-COPD and LC patients. Comparisons of the clinical and physiological variables between LC-COPD and LC patients were assessed using the Student’s t test. Differences between the study groups in the qualitative variables were assessed using the chi-square test