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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Jan 17.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Rev Neurosci. 2017 Jun 22;18(8):471–484. doi: 10.1038/nrn.2017.61

Table 1.

Examples of neuroanatomical, neurochemical and physiological sex differences in the brains of rodents

End point measured Measurements displaying male bias Measurements displaying female bias Measurements displaying context-, age- or region-specific biases
  • mPOA117

  • VMN118

  • BNST60

  • Binocular area of the visual cortex119

  • Amygdala120

  • Dorsal agranular insular subarea (orbital prefrontal cortex)121

  • AVPV of the hypothalamus122

  • LC123

Differences in medial amygdala volume are dependent on circulating testosterone in adult males124
Fibre density
  • Lateral septum (vasopressin neurons)125

  • Medial preoptic nucleus (serotonergic fibres)126

  • BNST (vasopressin neurons)127

AVPV (kisspeptin fibres)128 None known
  • Excitatory synapses in the mPOA47,48,129,130

  • Hippocampal CA3 primary dendrites and spines131

  • Axosomatic synapses in the arcuate nucleus132

  • Axodendritic synapses in the VMN133,134

Axodendritic synapses in the arcuate nucleus132
  • Hippocampus dendritic spine density (female > male, but this reverses following stress)135

  • CA3 dendritic atrophy (male > female, but this reverses following stress)136

  • Length of glial processes in the arcuate nucleus134

  • Dendritic branching in prefrontal cortex cingulate areas137

  • Dendritic branching in the VMN138

Dendritic branching in the agranular insular cortex137
  • Differences in dendritic branching in dentate granule cells following environmental enrichment139

  • Difference in dendritic branching and soma size of spinal nucleus bulbocavernosus is maintained by testosterone in males140

Neurochemical phenotype
  • Vasopressin cells in the BNST141

  • Androgen receptor-expressing cells in the mPOA and BNST142

  • Oestrogen receptor-α immunoreactive cells in the median preoptic nucleus and VMN143

  • Kisspeptin-expressing cells in the AVPV144

  • Dopamine neurons in the AVPV54

  • Whole-brain levels of serotonin and its metabolites145

Differences in aromatase activity and progesterone receptor expression are region specific146148
Cell number
  • Activated microglia in neonatal mPOA43

  • Glia in visual cortex119

  • Glia in the globus pallidus and CA1 (REF. 149)

  • Astrocytes in the posterodorsal medial amygdala150

  • Radial glia in the mPOA and hypothalamus151

  • Oligodendrocyte precursors152

  • Biases in brain-wide microglia counts in neonates and adult depend on age42

  • Sex difference in astrocyte number in the medial amygdala only occurs in the left hemisphere153

Activational state Duration of developmental excitatory actions of GABA154
  • Hippocampal long-term potentiation, excitatory postsynaptic potential slope, burst depolarization2

  • Hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin-expressing neurons and cannabinoid receptor type 1 mediated miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current frequency155

Hormonal control of nigrostriatal dopamine system156
Cell genesis Neurogenesis in CA1 and dentate gyrus157,158
  • Cell genesis in the medial amygdala159

  • Neurogenesis in the LC160

Addition of new cells to sexually dimorphic AVPV and medial amygdala at puberty depends on gonadal steroids161

The categorization of sex differences in the rodent brain for over 40 years makes a comprehensive list unwieldy. Here, we note some examples of the range of types of sex differences that are found throughout the brain. AVPV, anteroventral periventricular nucleus; BNST, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; LC, locus coeruleus; mPOA, medial preoptic area; VMN, ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus.