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. 2018 Jan;84:162–170. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.11.005

Table 2.

Meta-analysis results listing regions of decreased and increased white matter in bipolar patients compared to healthy controls. To keep the table to a manageable size we applied an additional criteria of z > 1.5 *Heterogeneity was assessed at each peak voxel using the I2 statistic this was 0% for every peak voxel except for L inferior cerebellar peduncle (I2 = 12%), R inferior longitudinal fasciculus (I2 = 3%) and R corpus callosum tract (I2 = 11%), Jackknife shows the number of sensitivity analysis (out of 24) where a result remained significant – the higher the value the more robust the result.

Structure or Tract Cluster Size MNI coordinates SDM Z score (peak voxel) Uncorrected p value Hedges g (peak voxel) Jack-knife (peak voxel)
Regions of decreased white matter in BD
Corpus callosum (left, posterior) 8843 −14 −26 30 5.60 <0.000005 0.23 24
Left optic radiations 250 −30 −70 6 4.21 0.000059 0.21 24
Right frontal superior longitudinal 117 28 −16 56 4.15 0.000077 0.20 24
Left inferior cerebellar peduncle 113 −6 −42 −42 3.75* 0.00047 0.20 23
Left anterior corona radiata 87 −12 30 −10 3.59 0.00092 0.17 22
Right inferior network, inferior longitudinal fasciculus 73 34 −32 2 3.82* 0.00034 0.19 23
Right inferior network, inferior longitudinal fasciculus 62 38 −68 12 3.71 0.00055 0.18 18
Right Corpus callosum tract 10 18 36 20 3.28* 0.0031 0.17 7

Regions of increased white matter in BD
Left cerebellum, hemispheric lobule VIIB 1120 −40 −54 −46 2.31 0.0000018 0.11 24
Left striatum 200 −18 12 −6 1.60 0.00012 0.08 23
Right inferior temporal gyrus, BA 36 188 36 2 −42 1.72 0.000064 0.08 24
Left gyrus rectus, BA 11 152 −8 44 −20 1.86 0.000028 0.09 24
Right striatum 136 26 8 2 1.89 0.000023 0.09 24
Left median network, cingulum 131 −14 −62 24 2.15 0.0000049 0.11 24
Left lingual gyrus, BA 18 126 −20 −78 −12 1.59 0.00013 0.08 24
Right cuneus cortex 130 16 −68 30 1.35 0.00046 0.07 24
Right superior frontal gyrus, medial, BA 8 94 6 36 44 1.40 0.00036 0.07 23
Left inferior frontal gyrus, orbital part, BA 47 75 −36 50 −12 1.48 0.00024 0.07 24
Right superior frontal gyrus, orbital part, BA 11 63 12 46 −20 1.59 0.00013 0.08 24
Left inferior temporal gyrus, BA 37 52 −46 −58 −6 1.91 0.000022 0.09 24
Right supplementary motor area, BA 8 45 6 24 54 1.66 0.000093 0.08 23
Right middle frontal gyrus, BA 46 38 34 46 16 1.53 0.00018 0.07 23