Figure 5. Co-Immunoprecipitation of Kir2.1 and Kir2.2 N-terminal domain and Cav3 scaffolding and membrane domains.
A) Kir2.2-HA (#) and Kir2.2-NT domain (*) associates with Cav3 but not Kir2.2-CT domain(^) or IgG (negative control), indicated by arrow heads in right panels, n=4. C) Co-IP demonstrates that Kir2.1-HA (#) and Kir2.1-NT domain (*) associates with Cav3 but not Kir2.1-CT domain(^) or IgG, indicated by arrow heads in right panels, n=4. B) and D) Co-IP of Cav3-full length(#), Cav3-scaffolding (@) and Cav3-membrane (&) domains associate with B) Kir2.2-HA (n=5) and D) Kir2.1-HA (n=4), indicated by arrow heads in the right panels. Cav3-NT (*) and Cav3-CT (^) do not associate with Kir2.2-HA and Kir2.1-HA. IgG is run as a negative control. E) Amio acid sequence of CBM conserved across Kir2.1, Kir2.2 and Kir2.3.