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. 2017 Nov 9;9(1):105–118. doi: 10.1039/c7sc04396a

Fig. 4. Ratiometric pulsed alkylation-mass spectrometry analysis of Spn C101A CopY in the apo-state (A and E), the Zn1 (per dimer) state (B and F) and the Cu2 (per dimer) (C and G) allosteric states. rPA-MS time course profiles for AspN-derived peptide 120-131 (panels A–C) and LysC-derived peptide 83-95 containing C86 (panels E–G) (see Table 2 for exact masses). (D) Relative quantification of d5-NEM alkylation events at C128 vs. C130 in the Zn1 state as a function of d5-NEM pulse time in the doubly alkylated d5/H5 peptide 120-131 quantified as described in Fig. S3. Note that C130 is more reactive than C128 at all pulse times.

Fig. 4