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. 2018 Jan 17;8:930. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-18870-1

Table 5.

Summary of difference map analysis between REAL and PHNT (REAL - PHNT).

Difference REAL - PHNT Size (# Voxels) Side Anatomical Location x (mm) y (mm) z (mm) Peak (z-score)
Activation 3722 R Transverse Temporal Gyrus 50 −24 12 4.53
R Insula (mIns) 40 −18 −2 4.26
R Insula (pIns) 40 −20 14 3.81
R Postcentral Gyrus (SI, BA1,2) 60 −16 46 3.76
R Precentral Gyrus (MI) 60 6 8 3.63
R Postcentral Gyrus (SI) 22 −36 72 3.36
2168 L Medial Frontal Gyrus (SMA) −2 −8 64 4.13
R Cingulate Gyrus(MCC) 2 −4 44 4.05
R Cingulate Gyrus (ACC) 4 12 40 3.64
L Cingulate Gyrus (MCC) −8 8 36 3.48
L Cingulate Gyrus(ACC) −4 26 25 3.02
1376 L Parietal Operculum/SII −50 −16 12 4.25
L Insula (pIns) −40 −18 10 4.01
L Transverse Temporal Gyrus −54 −21 11 3.73
L Postcentral Gyrus (SI) −54 −21 23 3.23
647 L Superior Temporal Gyrus −60 8 −2 3.82
L Insula (a,mIns) −38 17 −3 3.31
537 L Precentral Gyrus (MI) −20 −26 76 3.89
L Postcentral Gyrus (SI) −20 −38 70 3.67
L Superior Parietal Lobule −22 −48 62 3.53
298 R Precentral Gyrus (MI) 20 −26 76 3.63
Deactivation 4414 R Superior Occipital Gyrus 38 −78 28 −4.39
R Middle Occipital Gyrus 46 −64 −8 −4.16
R Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex (BA 44, 45) 58 30 6 −3.80
R Inferior Occipital Gyrus 38 −86 −14 −3.48
R Superior Temporal Gyrus 56 −56 18 −3.36
R Precuneus 24 −60 40 −3.33
R Superior Parietal Lobule 32 −50 48 −3.32
2492 L Middle Frontal Gyrus (dlPFC) −34 16 22 −3.60
L Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex (BA 45) −54 30 16 −3.53
L Middle Frontal Gyrus (dlPFC) −52 28 28 −3.45
L Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex (BA 44) −44 2 36 −3.34
2416 L Superior Parietal Lobule −36 −58 52 −4.25
L Middle Occipital Gyrus −36 −86 10 −3.63
963 R Inferior Semi-Lunar Lobule 22 −80 −44 −4.03
868 L Fusiform Gyrus −42 −66 −18 −4.04
735 R Precuneus, PCC/RS 6 −54 38 −3.80
522 L Tuber −36 −84 −40 −3.53
314 R Middle Frontal Gyrus (dlPFC) 44 16 34 −3.27
219 R Fusiform Gyrus 30 −38 −20 −3.09
181 R Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex 58 30 6 −3.80
128 L Superior Temporal Gyrus −56 −62 26 −3.29
95 L Medial Frontal Gyrus (dmPFC) −6 44 48 −3.18
38 L Superior Temporal Gyrus −46 −52 18 −3.02