(A, C) Total cellular levels (TotCell) of [GSx] in whole cell lysates of HGT1-sec61-2 (A) or HGT1-sec62-1 (C) cells. Cells were grown at 24 °C and then switched to 37 °C or left at 24 °C, as indicated, 45 min prior to GSH addition (30 μM) (arrow), and then incubated for the indicated time. (B, D) GSH survival assay. HGT1-sec61-2 (B) or HGT1-sec62-1 (D) cells were grown to the exponential phase at 24 °C, and switched to 37 °C or left at 24 °C, as indicated, 1 h prior adding GSH (30 μM), and then incubated for the indicated time. The survival rate is the % of colony forming units/number of cells at each time point. All values are the mean of three independent biological replicas ± standard deviation (s.d.).