Extended Data Figure 7. Corticostriatal and corticothalamic projection neurons express CaMKii and have distinct basal activity dynamics.
a–d, Injections of AAV5-CaMKii-eYFP into dorsomedial PFC and the retrograde tracer CtB-594 into NAc (a) or PVT (c) resulted in expression of eYFP in CtB-labeled PFC-NAc neurons (b) and PFC-PVT neurons (d). These data reveal that PFC-NAc and PFC-PVT are subpopulations of CaMKii-expressing neurons (n=2 mice/group). e,f, In ai9 reporter mice, (e) DIO-GCaMP6s injections in dorsomedial PFC and Cav2-cre injections into PVT (f) result in expression of GCaMP6s and tdTomato (marker for cre-recombinase), which have spatial overlap in PFC (n=2 mice). These data reveal that GCaMP6s expression is specific to the projection cells of interest. g, Example traces revealing spontaneous calcium dynamics from in vivo two-photon imaging in GCaMP6s-expressing PFC-NAc neurons (top; n=69 neurons; n=4 mice) and PFC-PVT neurons (bottom; n=61; n=3 mice) in awake, head-fixed mice. Red and blue dots refer to detected events. h–j, Averaged data reveal no differences in event amplitude (h) or event duration (i); however, PFC-NAc neurons had significantly shorter inter-event intervals (j) as compared to PFC-PVT neurons (amplitude: t(130)=1.10, p>0.2; duration: t(130)=0.68, p>0.4; interval: t(130)=2.30, p<0.05). Bar graphs represent the mean±SEM. CtB, cholera toxin subunit B; tdT, tdTomato.