Figure 3. CD8 density and PD-L1 expression in the tumour parenchyma and invasive margins in biopsies of patients with desmoplastic (DM) and non-desmoplastic cutaneous melanoma (non-DM).
A) PD-L1 staining in the tumour centre (non-DM: 1CR/5PR/5PD; DM: 7CR/6PR/1SD/3PD). B) CD8 staining in the tumour centre (non-DM: 2CR/5PR/6PD; DM: 7CR/7PR/1SD/3PD). C) PD-L1 staining in the invasive margin (non-DM: 1CR/5PR/5PD; DM: 6CR/6PR/1SD/3PD). D) CD8 staining in the invasive margin (non-DM: 2CR/5PR/6PD; DM: 6CR/7PR/1SD/3PD). Percentage of positively stained cells in all nucleated cells are presented. PD: progressive disease; SD: stable disease; CR: complete response; PR: partial response. * Indicates statistical significance. See supplementary table for all statistical analyses.