Table 2.
Sample demographics.
Total sample (N = 107) | ||
Age (years); mean (SD) | 13.2 | (1.1) |
Male sex; n (%) | 51 | (48.1) |
BMI (kilograms/metres2); mean (SD) | 19.8 | (3.2) |
BMI categories | ||
Healthy weight | 84 | (80.8) |
Overweight | 15 | (14.4) |
Obese | 5 | (4.8) |
Ethnicity; n (%) | ||
White British | 35 | (32.7) |
White other | 28 | (26.2) |
Black African or Caribbean | 12 | (11.2) |
Other | 32 | (29.9) |
Socioeconomic status based on parental occupation; n (%) | ||
Higher managerial, administrative, and professional | 67 | (62.6) |
Intermediate | 26 | (24.3) |
Routine and manual | 14 | (13.1) |
Tobacco use; n (%) | 2 | (1.9) |
Cannabis use; n (%) | 3 | (2.8) |
Family history of psychosis; n (%)b | 29 | (27.1) |
Salivary CRP (raw) pg/ml; mean (SD) | 2027.6 | (1070.2) |
Salivary CRP (SQRT transformed) pg/ml; mean (SD) | 43.6 | (11.3) |
YSR Internalising ‘borderline/clinical’ range; n (%) c | 18 | (17.1) |
YSR Externalising ‘borderline/clinical’ range; n (%) d | 11 | (10.5) |
Reported ≥ 1 ‘somewhat true’ psychotic-like experience, n (%) e | 46 | (43.0) |
WRAML2: Number letter; mean (SD) | 12.2 | (3.2) |
WRAML2: Verbal memory; mean (SD) | 106.7 | (12.7) |
WRAML2: Visual memory; mean (SD) | 90.7 | (13.2) |
WRAML2: Verbal working memory; mean (SD) | 10.2 | (2.3) |
D-KEFS: Letter fluency; mean (SD) | 10.6 | (2.7) |
D-KEFS: Category fluency; mean (SD) | 12.5 | (3.1) |
D-KEFS: CW Inhibition; mean (SD) | 11.1 | (2.3) |
D-KEFS: CW Inhibition/switching; mean (SD) | 10.8 | (2.3) |
D-KEFS: Towers test; mean (SD) | 11.4 | (1.9) |
Note. SD, standard deviation; BMI: Body Mass Index; CRP: C-reactive protein; SQRT: square root; pg/ml: picograms per millilitre; YSR: Youth Self-Report; WRAML2: Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning 2nd edition; D-KEFS: Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System; CW: colour-word interference test. aIncludes schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. bYSR Internalising: ‘borderline’ (n = 6); ‘clinical’ (n = 12); cYSR Externalising: ‘borderline’ (n = 4); ‘clinical’ (n = 7). eNo. of somewhat or certainly-true PLEs reported: 1 (n = 18); 2 (n = 15); 3 (n = 4); 4 (n = 5); 5 (n = 2); 6 (n = 1); 8 (n = 1). Missing data: BMI (n = 3); WRAML2 number letter (n = 3) WRAML2 verbal and visual memory indices (n = 1); WRAML2 verbal working memory (n = 1); D-KEFS letter and category fluency (n = 2); D-KEFS CW inhibition and inhibition/switching (n = 3); D-KEFS tower test (n = 2); YSR internalising (n = 2); YSR externalising (n = 2).