Fig. 5.
Effects of renal toxicity of zoledronate in Slc27a2 ablated mice and its relative molecular pathways. a–f Representative photomicrographs of the H&E staining (scale bar 1 mm), ORO staining (scale bar 1 mm), Masson’s trichrome staining (scale bar 50 μm) and IHC images (scale bar 20 μm) of fibrosis markers of Fn1, collagen I and α-SMA from kidney sections in untreated WT and Slc27a2 −/− mice as well as zoledronate-treated WT and Slc27a2 −/− ones. g Immunoblotting of fibrosis markers of Fn1, collagen I and α-SMA in the mice above. h Relative mRNA levels of genes related to kidney fibrosis and injury from the samples above. i Relative transcript levels of FAO-related genes in untreated and zoledronate-treated WT and Slc27a2 −/− mice. j Tracks of Smad2/3 ChIPseq in Slc27a2 gene locus in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) and mESC-derived endoderm cells. # P < 0.05, ## P < 0.01 (zoledronate-treated vs untreated Slc27a2 −/− mice); & P < 0.05 (zoledronate-treated Slc27a2 −/− mice vs treated WT ones)