Torrentispora calembola and T. dubia. A–I.Torrentispora calembola. A–C. Ascomata (with ascoma primordium on A). D, E. Asci. F. Longitudinal section of the ascomal wall. G. Apical annulus. H. Paraphyses. I. Ascospores. J–S.Torrentispora dubia. J–L. Ascomata. M, N. Asci. O. Longitudinal section of the ascomal wall. P. Apical annulus. Q. Ascogenous hyphae. R, S. Ascospores. A–C from PRA-12745, D–I from PRA-12744, J–R from PRA-12746, S from PAD. Scale bars: A–C, J–L = 250 μm, D, E, H, M, N, Q = 10 μm, F, O = 20 μm, G, I, P, R, S = 5 μm.