Figure 3.
Representative CS-XY scans (raw data) of NBD-DHPE (A–C and G–I) and Alexa 555 MAb-tagged αvβ3-integrin distributions (D–F and J–L) in DOPC/DPPC/CHOL mixtures containing equimolar amounts of DOPC and DPPC and varying CHOL molar concentrations of 25, 33, and 37 mol%, as obtained through the NBD and Alexa 555 channels of the confocal detection system (p < 0.01). Separate data sets are presented for αvβ3 (A–F) and αvβ3 + VN (G–L). Quantification of the CS-XY data in terms of the parameter Eraft (see Eq. 1) demonstrates the profound influence of CHOL on the sequestration of αvβ3 before and after VN addition (M); p < 0.01 (box size; CS-XY scan: 12 × 12 μm2, pixel size: 0.5 μm). Error bars in (M) represent SD of Eraft acquisitions from 15 different bilayer regions (out of three samples). To see this figure in color, go online.