Comparison of (a–c) embryonic development and (d–f) DNSs. (a and d) At 4.3 hpf, directly after the onset of epiboly movements, the DNS is in perfect agreement with embryonic development. (b and e) When development proceeds to 50% epiboly at 5.3 hpf, the first deviations occur. For instance, the thickness of the cell layer at the animal pole relative to a position close to the contact line is larger in silico compared to in vivo. (c and f) This trend continues when epiboly reaches 75% at 8 hpf. The scale bar represents . The units of simulations are arbitrary for space and time. The pictures used for comparison are chosen according to epiboly progression. (g) Exemplary visualization of the used grid refinement. (h) Reduction of the measured contact-angle data (blue) to binned mean values (red). To see this figure in color, go online.