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. 2017 Mar 8;23(1):59–68. doi: 10.1080/13814788.2017.1284791

Table 1.

Studies of the effects of health education intervention in physical activity.

Reference PEDro score Participants Intervention
PA assessment PA results/conclusions
Type/provider Follow-up
Azar et al., 2016 [17] 8/10 74 participants
Immediate Group: 37 (22 women); 59.6 ± 11.9 years
Delayed group: 37 (22 women); 59.8 ± 10.5 years
24 weekly face-to-face groups videoconference + seven in-person group based PA
Physicians, nutritionists, exercise physiologists and lifestyle coaches
Six m Stanford seven-day PA recall Change from baseline to three m, mean (95% CI):
Immediate group: 652.8 (236.8–1068.7)
Delayed group: 103.6 (–294.8–501.9)
Between-group difference: 549.2 (–26.8–1125.2)
No changes in PA in either group at three and six months
Griffin et al.,2014 [27] 8/10 478 participants with T2DM.
IG: 239 (89 women), 59.5 ± 7.5 years
CG: 239 (91 women), 59.8 ± 7.5 years
Intensive treatment plus a theory-based behaviour change intervention: 1 h introductory meeting + six 30 min meetings + four brief phone calls
Lifestyle facilitators
12 m Four days accelerometry and Norfolk PA questionnaire IG: 90.0 ± 55.1–95.2 ± 55.7 MET- h/week
CG: 78.6 ± 48.0 to 80.1 ± 49.5 MET-h/week
PA improved in both groups.
No significant differences between groups at one year in PA both objectively and subjectively measured.
Reid et al., 2014 [29] 7/10 426 family members of patients with CAD.
IG: 211 (128 women), 52.0 ± 11.9 years
CG: 215 (133 women), 51.1 ± 11.3 years
17 counselling sessions (one face-to-face +16 telephone); weekly for the first 12 weeks and then at weeks 16, 20, 26, 39 and 52
Health educator
12 m Modified Godin leisure-time exercise questionnaire IG: 91.7 ± 102.5 to 142.5 ± 122.0
CG: 88.7 ± 99.7 to 118.6 ± 109.1 min/week
The IG showed higher PA levels than the CG.
Lakerveld et al.,2013 [24] 8/10 622 adults at risk for T2DM and CVDs.
IG: 314 (178 women), 43.6 ± 5.1 years
CG: 308 (185 women), 43.4 ± 5.5 years
Cognitive behavioural program: six 30-min counselling sessions + three-monthly sessions by phone for one year + health brochures
Practice nurses
12 m SQUASH questionnaire Values are median (Q1;Q3) of moderate PA:
IG: 56 (19–150) to 52 (21–138) MET min/day
CG: 47 (19–120) to 56 (26–126) MET min/day
No changes in PA
Hardcastle et al.,2013 [22] 7/10 334 participants with CVDs risk factors.
IG: 203 (n of women n/a), 50.1 ± 0.7 years
CG: 131, 50.4 ± 1.0 years
Standard exercise and nutrition information plus up to five face-to-face motivational interviewing sessions
PA specialist, registered dietitian
Six m IPAQ Walking time:
IG: 996.1 ± 1116.6 to 1195.54 ± 1277.6 METmin/week
CG: 1242.5 ± 1432.7 to 1050.5 ± 1344.4 METmin/week
The IG significantly increased walking time.
Cochrane et al.,2012 [19] 8/10 601 participants with Framingham score ≥20%.
IG:236 (32 women), 63.3 ± 6.4 years
CG: 365 (36 women), 63.9 ± 6.5 years
NHS health check service + support for lifestyle change based on the motivational interview/counselling model
Lifestyle coach
Support upto 12 m General practice PA questionnaire Mean PA score:
IG: 2.07–2.81
CG: 2.65–2.80
PA scores improved in both the CG (NHS health check only group) and the IG (NHS health check plus additional lifestyle support)
Harris et al., 2012 [20] 7/10 699 participants either aged 56–64 years or 40–55 years with hypertension or dyslipidaemia.
IG: 384 (232 women), mean age n/a
CG: 315 (169 women)
Brief lifestyle advice and motivational counselling: one individual session + four 1.5-h sessions over the first three months and a further two follow-up sessions at six and nine months.
GP, nurses and practice managers
Nine m The brief PA assessment tool PA score:
IG: 3.71, 4.59 and 4.60
CG: 3.38, 3.89 and 4.09
PA increased to a greater extent in the IG both at six and nine months
Parra-Medina et al., 2011 [8] 9/10 266 women with hypertension or diabetes.
IG: 136, mean age n/a
CG: 130
Theory-based lifestyle intervention targeting PA and dietary fat intake: tailored telephone counselling and tailored newsletters
Primary care providers and nurses
12 m CHAMPS Questionnaire Odds ratios (95%CI) of increasing leisure-time moderate-to-vigorous PA:
IG: 3.82 (1.41, 10.30) (at 6 months)
1.76 (0.62, 5.0) (at 12 months)
The IG showed higher total and leisure-time moderate-to-vigorous PA at 6 months but not at 12 months
Koelewijn-Van Loon et al., 2009 [23] 7/10 589 patients eligible for cardiovascular risk management.
IG: 304 (174 women), 56 ± 10 years
CG: 285 (151 women), 58 ± 10 years
2 face-to-face consultations (15-20 min) + 10 min telephone consultation (or a face-to face consultation)
12 w CHAMPS Questionnaire Moderate or vigorousintensity PA:
IG: 405 ± 343 to 460 ± 362 min/week
CG: 447 ± 345 to 449 ± 365 min/week
No changes in PA
Holmen et al.,2014 [28] 7/10 151 Diabetic participants
FTA Group: 51 (17 women); 58.6 ± 11.8 years
FTA-HC: 50 (25 women); 57.4 ± 12.1 years
CG: 50 (20 women); 55.9 ± 12.2 years
FTA Group: mobile phone with self-management system
FTA-HC group: five phone based conversations (20 min) during four months for health counselling with motivational interviewing based on the transtheoretical model.
12 m HeiQ questionnaire FTA group: 2.78 (2.52, 3.04) to 2.82 (2.60, 3.05)
FTA-HC: 2.78 (2.57, 2.99) to 2.81 (2.57, 3.04)
CG: 2.71 (2.51, 2.92) to 2.81 (2.58, 3.04)
No changes in PA
Armit et al., 2009 [25] 6/10 136 participants not meeting PA recommendations (82 women).
IG (ES): 45 (31 women), mean age n/a
IG (ES + P): 45 (27 women)
CG: 46 (24 women)
ES: GP usual care +30 min PA counselling based on the transtheoretical model.
ES + P: as for ES group, with goal setting (steps/day) and self-monitoring focusing on a pedometer
GP and Exercise scientists
12 w (24 w follow-up) Active Australia PA questionnaire Odds ratios (95% CI) for meeting the National Physical Activity Guidelines
IG (ES + P): 2.39 (1.01, 5.64)
IG (ES): 1.14 (.47, 2.76)
PA improved in all groups.
At week 24, the ES + P group were more likely to report meeting PA guidelines than the CG
Davies et al., 2008 [26] 7/10 824 patients with T2DM.
IG: 437 (47 women), 59 years (SD n/a)
CG: 387 43 women), 60 years
Six-hour structured group health education programme focused on lifestyle factors, such as food choices and PA
Registered healthcare professionals
12 m IPAQ No IPAQ data is reported. The IG showed greater increase in PA at four months
Wister et al., 2007 [9] 8/10 315 participants with a Framingham score ≥10%
IG: 157 (86 women), 55.8 ± 5.5 years
CG: 158 (98 women), 55.1 ± 5.2 years
Report card showing person’s risk profile + telehealth-guided self-care management system at every six months
Lifestyle counsellors
12 m Five-point ordinal scale Difference between baseline and one year, mean (95% CI):
IG: 0.17 (–0.06–0.40)
CG: 0.16 (–0.08–0.40)
No differences between groups
Hardcastle et al., 2008 [21] 7/10 334 participants with CVDs risk factors
IG: 203 (n of women n/a), 50.1 ± 0.7 years
CG: 131, 50.4 ± 0.9 years
Patient-centred counselling intervention that incorporated standard exercise and nutrition information + up to five face-to-face motivational interviewing sessions
PA specialists, registered dietician
Six m IPAQ Baseline and follow-up changes:
IG: 198 ± 63 Met min/week walking
CG: –145 ± 109 Met-min/week walking
IG: 245 ± 104 Met min/week total PA
CG: –122 ± 158 Met min/week total PA
The IG significantly increased walking and total PA when compared to the CG
Elley et al., 2003 [18] 5/10 878 sedentary participants.
IG: 451 (301 women), 57.2 ± 10.8 years
CG: 427 (281 women), 58.6 ± 11.5 years
A prompt card, stating the stage of change, + oral and written advice by GP in the consultation + at least three telephone calls (lasting 10–20 min) over the next three months
GP and practice nurse
Three m Three-month PA recall questionnaire Mean changes (95% CI):
IG: 54.6 (41.4–68.4) min/week
CG: 16.8 (6.0–32.4) min/week
The IG showed greater increase in PA during leisure time and total energy expenditure than the CG

CAD: coronary artery disease; CG: control group; CHAMPS: community healthy activities model programme for seniors; CVDs: cardiovascular diseases; ES: exercise scientist group; GP: general practitioner; IG: intervention group; IPAQ: international physical activity questionnaire; HeiQ: health education impact questionnaire; n/a: not available; PA: physical activity; P: pedometer; m: months; SD: standard deviation; SQUASH: short questionnaire to assess health enhancing physical activity; T2DM: type 2 diabetes mellitus; w: weeks; FTA: few touch application; FTA HC: few touch application with health counselling.