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. 2018 Jan 15;4:2333721417750944. doi: 10.1177/2333721417750944

Table 1.

Characteristics of Grandparents by Intensity of Care Provided for Grandchildren.

Characteristics Total grandparentsa
No grandchild care
Grandchild care
1 to 59 hr per month
Grandchild care
60+ hr per month
% (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI)
% 100 41.8 [39.6, 42.5] 50.3 [48.9, 51.8] 8.6 [7.8, 9.5]
Base 4,536 1,821 2,234 383
Grandchild care hours
M (SD) 16.9 (13.5) 109.9 (67.3)
M (SD) 66.8 (9.4) 70.1 (10.1) 65.0 (8.2) 61.8 (7.3)
Retirement age
 <65 36.3 [34.8, 37.8] 26.2 [24.1, 28.5] 40.6 [38.5, 42.9] 56.7 [51.2, 62.1]
 ≥65 63.7 [62.2, 65.2] 73.8 [72.0, 75.9] 59.4 [57.1, 61.5] 43.3 [38.0, 48.8]
 Male 41.1 [39.7, 42.5] 40.6 [38.4, 42.9] 41.7 [39.6, 43.7] 39.7 [34.9, 44.7]
 Female 58.9 [57.5, 60.3] 59.4 [57.1, 61.6] 58.3 [56.3, 60.4] 60.3 [55.3, 65.1]
 Primary 38.1 [36.7, 39.5] 40.6 [38.4, 42.9] 36.7 [34.7, 38.8] 36.0 [31.4, 41.0]
 Secondary 39.4 [38.0, 40.9] 36.1 [33.9, 38.4] 40.2 [38.2, 42.3] 48.0 [43.1, 53.1]
 Tertiary 22.5 [21.3, 23.7] 23.3 [21.4, 25.2] 23.2 [21.4, 24.9] 15.9 [12.6, 19.9]
 Employed 24.1 [22.9, 25.3] 18.3 [16.6, 20.2] 27.8 [25.9, 29.6] 27.9 [23.7, 32.7]
 Retired 45.2 [43.7, 46.6] 51.9 [49.7, 54.2] 42.3 [40.3, 44.4] 30.3 [25.9, 35.1]
 Other 30.7 [29.4, 32.1] 29.7 [27.7, 31.9] 29.8 [28.0, 31.7] 37.3 [32.2, 42.8]
Income quintile
 Lowest 19.9 [18.7, 21.1] 24.4 [22.5, 26.5] 17.1 [15.6, 18.7] 16.4 [13.1, 20.5]
 2nd 23.0 [21.8, 24.2] 23.7 [21.8, 25.7] 22.7 [21.0, 24.0] 23.5 [19.5, 28.0]
 3rd 18.7 [17.6, 19.8] 18.6 [16.9, 20.5] 17.5 [16.0, 19.1] 23.2 [19.3, 27.7]
 4th 20.6 [19.5, 21.8] 17.4 [15.7, 19.2] 22.9 [21.2, 24.7] 20.6 [16.9, 25.0]
 Highest 8.2 [7.4, 9.0] 6.3 [5.3, 7.5] 9.8 [8.6, 11.1] 8.6 [6.2, 11.9]
 Missing 9.6 [8.8, 10.6] 9.6 [8.3, 11.0] 10.1 [8.9, 11.4] 7.3 [5.1, 10.4]
Social/leisure activityb
 Yes 88.0 [86.9, 89.4] 84.2 [82.3, 86.0] 89.5 [88.0, 90.8] 90.2 [86.5, 93.0]
Family structure
 Total number of children, M (SD) 3.9 (1.9) 4.0 (2.0) 3.9 (1.8) 3.8 (1.8)
 Total number of grandchildren, M (SD) 5.6 (5.0) 6.0 (5.6) 5.5 (4.6) 4.7 (4.3)
 Depression, CES-D, M (SD) 6.0 (7.3) 6.3 (7.2) 5.8 (7.3) 6.4 (8.0)
 Quality of Life, CASP-19,c M (SD) 44.5 (7.6) 43.7 (7.8) 45.1 (7.2) 44.2 (8.1)
 No disability 85.5 [84.4, 86.5] 80.4 [78.5, 82.2] 88.7 [87.3, 90.0] 88.8 [85.2, 91.6]
 Instrumental activities of daily living 4.2 [3.6, 4.8] 6.4 [5.4, 7.6] 2.6 [2.0, 3.3] 3.7 [2.2, 6.1]
 Any activities of daily living 10.3 [9.4, 11.2] 13.2 [11.7, 14.8] 8.7 [7.6, 10.0] 7.6 [5.3, 10.7]

Note. CI = confidence interval; CES-D = Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression; CASP-19 = Control, Autonomy, Self-realization, Pleasure.


Includes 98 who reported caring for grandchildren but answered not known for number of hours.


Any social or leisure activity outside the house in the past week.


Quality of life (Control, Autonomy, Self-realization, Pleasure) scale.