Figure 2. Nitrite infusion did not affect hemodynamics.
(A,B) Plasma nitrite levels, (C,D) mean arterial pressure (MAP) and (E,F) heart rate (HR) reported in beats per minute (bpm) are shown in subjects receiving 1 (A,C,E) or 9.6 (B,D,F) mg of sodium nitrite infused over first 5 minutes beginning at 0 minutes. Of the 4 patients in the 1 mg dosing group 3 received 1 mg nitrite and 1 received placebo. Of the 6 patients in the 9.6 mg group, 4 received 9.6 mg and 1 received placebo, 1 did not complete the protocol (loss of IV). One patient in the 14.6 mg group received placebo (data not shown). Key shows subject identifications codes and drug assignments; group A received 1 mg and group B 9.6 mg sodium nitrite.