Figure 3. Indirect pathways from parenting to inflammation and depressive symptoms through later composite stress, with direct paths constrained to be equal.
Chi-square = .633, df = 1, p = .426; CFI = 1.000; RMSEA = .000. Values are standardized parameter estimates and standard errors are in parentheses. Gender, insurance, diet, exercise, binge drinking, cigarette use, high school, and married or cohabited are controlled in these analyses. Because direct effects are constrained, unstandardized b’s are provided in addition to the standardized parameters. N = 413. [indirect effect on inflammation = .028, 95%CI (.009, .062), 20.588% of the total variance]. [indirect effect on depression = .037, 95%CI (.013, .073), 48.684% of the total variance].
**p ≤ .01; *p ≤.05; †p<.10 (two-tailed tests).