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Baseline characteristics of patients enrolled in the study (N=110)

Variables n %
FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; PUD, previous uterine disease; *, Some of the patients presented more than one of the reported symptoms; **, Almost always postoperative staging, except for IVB patients; ***, Evaluated on the surgical specimen report, or on the biopsy.
Age (year) [median (range)] 54 19–77
Symptoms at diagnosis*
 No symptoms 23 21
 Metrorrhagia 65 59
 Abdominal pain 32 29
 Dysuria 9 8
 Constipation 3 3
 Hematuria and rectal bleeding 1 1
FIGO stage**
 Stage I 80 73
 Stage II 10 9
 Stage III 9 8
 Stage IVA 7 6
 Stage IVB 4 4
Pathological nodal status
 pN0 82 75
 pN+ 3 3
 pNx 25 23
 Grade 1 16 15
 Grade 2 9 8
 Grade 3 24 22
 Not available 61 55
Localization in the uterus
 Corpus 89 81
 Isthmus cervix 8 7
 Fundus 9 8
 Not available 4 4
Gynecological history
  Yes 14 13
  No 96 87
  Yes 73 66
  No 37 34
 Previous hormonal therapy
  Yes 11 10
  No 87 79
  Not available 12 11