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Treatment details (N=110)

Variables n %
TAH, total abdominal hysterectomy; BSO, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy; RT, radiotherapy; EBRT, external beam RT; BRT, brachytherapy.
 Surgical technique
  TAH+BSO 82 75
  Simple abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) 10 9
  Wertheim surgery 17 15
  Vaginal hysterectomy 1 1
   Yes 85 77
   No 25 23
 No RT 35 32
 EBRT 57 52
 EBRT+BRT 18 16
 Irradiation equipment
  Linear accelerator 68 91 (of irradiated patients)
  Cobalt 4 5 (of irradiated patients)
  Neutron 2 3 (of irradiated patients)
  Betatron 1 1 (of irradiated patients)
  Whole pelvic irradiation 74 99 (of irradiated patients)
  Whole pelvic and abdominal irradiation 1 1 (of irradiated patients)
 Delivered dose (Gy) [median (range)] 48.6 40.0–66.6
 Fraction No. [median (range)] 25 20–40
 Energy (MV) [median (range)] 16 1–45
 No chemotherapy 88 80
 Systemic chemotherapy before RT 5 5
 Adjuvant chemotherapy after RT 17 15
 Cycle No. [median (range)] 4 2–6