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Statistical results of univariate analysis

Factors n 5-year OS
95% CI
P 5-year DFS
95% CI
P 5-year LRC
95% CI
OS, overall survival; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval; DFS, disease-free survival; LRC, locoregional control; PUD, previous uterine disease; FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; TAH, total abdominal hysterectomy; BSO, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy; RT, radiotherapy; *, last follow-up 55 months.
Median age (year)
 <54 55 65 51–79 0.001 50 36–64 0.001 79 67–91 0.051
 ≥54 55 29 38–64 15 3–27 63 47–79
 1 16 75 50–100 0.040 56 28–84 0.040 71 46–96 0.800
 >1 or unknown 94 46 34–58 30 19–41 72 61–83
 Yes 14 73 46–100 0.030 65 37–93 0.008 86 68–100 0.210
 No 96 46 34–58 29 19–39 67 56–78
FIGO stage
 I 80 59 46–72 <0.001 40 28–52 <0.001 77 66–88 0.002
 II, III, or IV 30 21 1–41 16 0–33 58 39–77
FIGO stage
 I 80 59 46–72 <0.001 40 28–52 <0.001 77 66–88 0.001
 II 10 25 0–59 38 7–69 70 42–98
 III 9 0 0 23* 0–60
 IV 11 38 1–38 18 0–41 68 37–99
Tumor size (cm)
 ≤8 41 76 60–92 0.004 54 37–71 0.020 80 66–94 0.490
 >8 32 42 20–64 19 3–35 67 48–86
 Unknown 37 30 12–48 25 9–41 66 48–84
Tumor size (cm)
 ≤8 41 76 60–92 0.003 54 37–71 0.006 80 66–94 0.240
 >8 or unknown 69 35 21–49 22 11–33 67 54–80
Vascular invasion
 Yes 27 36 14–58 0.190 16 0–32 0.040 76 57–95 0.760
 No 83 54 41–67 40 28–52 71 60–82
Tumor necrosis
 Yes 46 49 32–66 0.310 26 11–41 0.010 74 60–88 0.630
 No 64 51 36–66 40 26–54 71 58–84
Type of surgery
 TAH±BSO 93 49 37–61 0.540 34 23–45 0.880 70 59–81 0.500
 Wertheim 17 54 23–85 34 9–59 79 57–100
Postoperative RT
 Yes 75 46 32–60 0.390 33 21–45 0.810 73 61–85 0.400
 No 35 59 39–79 36 19–53 67 50–84
Adjuvant chemotherapy
Yes 17 54 22–86 0.870 25 3–47 0.110 66 41–91 0.340
No 93 49 37–61 36 25–47 73 62–84