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. 2016 Apr 25;25(1):71–82. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2016.04.004

Table 5.

Carotenoid contents (mg kg−1 DW) in eleven varieties of Chinese cabbage.

No. Trivial names Commercial varieties
Chunkwang CR Hakwang Bulam No. 3 Bulam Plus K0015 K0112
1 Lutein 153.17 ± 30.32d 206.24 ± 3.92cd 158.05 ± 19.72d 193.41 ± 28.81cd 161.69 ± 27.39d 384.86 ± 16.07a
2 Zeaxanthin 6.11 ± 0.47d 8.24 ± 1.26bcd 5.93 ± 1.15d 7.60 ± 0.65d 7.99 ± 0.46cd 23.82 ± 2.88a
3 α-Carotene 18.16 ± 6.57d 28.55 ± 2.46cd 18.67 ± 3.87d 23.14 ± 5.25cd 26.95 ± 6.69cd 91.50 ± 14.88a
4 β-Carotene 111.68 ± 40.81c 163.05 ± 4.13c 117.94 ± 22.64c 143.35 ± 30.11c 149.08 ± 40.11c 501.23 ± 55.73a
Total 289.12 ± 77.90d 406.08 ± 8.74cd 300.58 ± 46.14cd 367.50 ± 64.66cd 345.72 ± 74.45cd 1001.41 ± 86.82a

No. Trivial names Commercial varieties

K0416 K0461 K0588 K0648 K0651 Mean

1 Lutein 282.24 ± 40.26bc 167.48 ± 12.60d 183.00 ± 21.45cd 248.68 ± 48.12cd 360.11 ± 76.64ab 227.18 ± 82.26
2 Zeaxanthin 13.28 ± 1.88bc 7.19 ± 1.59d 8.55 ± 0.79bcd 10.88 ± 3.81bcd 13.43 ± 1.84b 10.27 ± 5.18
3 α-Carotene 64.10 ± 19.86ab 26.30 ± 2.76cd 27.37 ± 2.39cd 51.61 ± 20.15bc 27.65 ± 7.56cd 36.73 ± 22.95
4 β-Carotene 297.39 ± 77.80b 144.21 ± 12.67c 131.71 ± 16.50c 228.27 ± 73.01bc 140.42 ± 35.47c 193.48 ± 115.58
Total 657.01 ± 136.87b 345.18 ± 21.79cd 350.63 ± 25.40cd 539.43 ± 144.58bc 541.61 ± 120.25bc 467.66 ± 211.79

Within each column, values followed by the same letters are not significantly different at p ⩽ 0.05, using Tukey’s multiple-range test (n = 3).