Fig. 2.
PTRE-seq reveals differences in the mechanism of repression by miRNAs and Pumilio Fold change of RNA (a) TE (c), and 40S association (e) of let-7 binding site containing reporters within the PTRE-seq library. Fold change of RNA (b) TE (d), and 40S association (f), of PRE containing reporters within the PTRE-seq library. For a–d *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, t-test with Bonferroni correction. For panels a–f the results for all constructs containing one, two, three, or four sites is shown. The data for each site in positions one-four are shown in Supplementary Fig. 9. Panels g and h show composite boxplots with fold change of RNA, TE, and translation initiation efficiency (TIE) for let-7 and PRE respectively. TIE was calculated by normalizing polysome associated RNA/40S associated RNA. i The regression coefficients for linear models with parameters corresponding to let-7 alone or in combination with other let-7 sites at positions 1–4, or j, PREs alone or in combination with PREs at positions 1–4. In i and j, the left panels show the coefficients for RNA while the right panels show the coefficients for TE. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, t-test. Boxplot whiskers indicate the furthest datum that is 1.5*Q1 (upper) or 1.5*Q3 (lower). For clarity, outliers have been removed from boxplots but were used for statistical analysis