Figure 3.
Optoelectronic response of the PD measured at a forward-bias of 5 V. (a) Iph and (b) and D* (inset) as a function of incident optical power P. The highest photosensitivity is exhibited at 100 K. (c) The I is directly proportional to the total carrier mobility μ where 1/μ = 1/μph + 1/μimp. Above 200 K (shaded region) μ is dominated by electron-phonon scattering μph, (μimp> μph), while below this temperature, μ is largely determined by impurity scattering μimp (μph> μimp). (d) in the forward-bias regime at 300 K. The inset shows D* versus VDS, which also shows that saturation is reached for VDS> 2.25 V.