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. 2017 Apr 8;7(4):e013889. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013889

Table 1.

Descriptive characteristics of study participants

Lowest quartile of neighbourhood walkability
Highest quartile of neighbourhood walkability
Total study population

Characteristic Frequency (%) Mean (SD) N patients with data Frequency (%) Mean (SD) N patients with data Frequency (%) Mean (SD) N patients with data
Sex (female) 11 303 (62.3%) 18 137 11 399 (62.7%) 18 192 48 556 (62.2%) 78 022
Age (years) 49.2 (19.2) 18 122 48.5 (17.9) 18 180 50.0 (19.2) 77 966
 18≤age<40 6448 (35.6%) 6895 (37.9%) 26 977 (34.6%)
 40<age≤65 7731 (42.7%) 7760 (42.7%) 33 056 (42.4%)
 >65 years 3943 (21.8%) 3525 (19.4%) 17 933 (23.0%)
Smoking (current smoker) 1530 (12.0%) 12 772 1669 (13.3%) 12 511 6808 (12.1%) 56 093
Anthropometric indicators
 Body mass index (BMI) (kg/m2) 29.6 (10.0) 9819 26.0 (6.22) 10 920 27.2 (7.4) 46 029
 Overweight or obese (BMI≥25 kg/m2) 6370 (64.9%) 9819 5505 (50.4%) 10 920 26 309 (57.2%) 46 029
 Prescribed weight-loss medication 1146 (6.3%) 18 137 523 (2.9%) 18 192 3387 (4.3%) 78 023
Blood pressure control
 Hypertension diagnosis 4068 (22.4%) 18 137 2980 (16.4%) 18 192 16 241 (20.8%) 78 023
 Prescribed antihypertensive medication 4796 (26.4%) 18 137 3555 (19.5%) 18 192 19 020 (24.4%) 78 023
 Systolic blood pressure (sBP) (mm Hg) 121.5 (16.0) 13 722 117.4 (15.5) 13 950 119.8 (16.0) 59 634
 Diastolic blood pressure (dBP) (mm Hg) 75.0 (10.0) 13 722 73.1 (10.0) 13 950 73.8 (10.0) 59 634
Blood glucose control
 Diabetes diagnosis 2242 (12.4%) 18 137 1096 (6.0%) 18 192 6988 (9.0%) 78 023
 Prescribed antidiabetic medication 1788 (9.9%) 18 137 786 (4.3%) 18 192 5220 (6.7%) 78 023
 Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) (%) 6.10 (1.10) 6721 5.74 (0.75) 5570 5.89 (0.88) 29 575
 Fasting blood glucose (FBG) (mmol/L) 5.56 (1.70) 8388 5.32 (1.26) 6367 5.42 (1.46) 34 698
Lipid control
 Prescribed lipid-lowering medication 3686 (20.3%) 18 137 2453 (13.5%) 18 192 13 979 (17.9%) 78 023
 Total cholesterol (TC) (mmol/L) 4.73 (1.08) 8690 4.93 (1.04) 6825 4.81 (1.06) 36 498
 High-density lipoprotein (HDL) (mmol/L) 1.43 (0.41) 8844 1.58 (0.47) 7014 1.49 (0.44) 37 295
 Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (mmol/L) 2.71 (0.90) 8770 2.78 (0.88) 6983 2.74 (0.89) 37 097
 Triglycerides (TG) (mmol/L) 1.34 (1.05) 8883 1.26 (0.79) 7008 1.31 (0.87) 37 417
 Neighbourhood violent crime rate*
(events/10 000 residents)
95.4 (49.8) 18 137 128.2 (84.3) 18 192 91.3 (59.6) 78 023
 Neighbourhood instability score† −0.048 (0.48) 18 137 1.37 (0.68) 18 192 0.480 (0.71) 78 023
 Neighbourhood deprivation score† 0.30 (0.96) 18 137 −0.53 (0.69) 18 192 −0.170 (0.77) 78 023
 Neighbourhood ethnic concentration score† 1.78 (0.89) 18 137 0.82 (0.89) 18 192 1.353 (1.08) 78 023
 Neighbourhood dependency score† −0.020 (0.36) 18 137 −0.44 (0.27) 18 192 −0.100 (0.39) 78 023

N, number of observations in study sample.

*Violent crime includes occurrences of assault, sexual assault, robbery and murder.

†Scores of neighbourhood instability, deprivation, ethnic concentration and dependency are dimensions of the Ontario Marginalization Index.49 Scores are population-weighted, and higher values indicate greater instability/deprivation/ethnic concentration/dependency.