Table 2.
Scale Items1 | Factor Loadings2 |
1. I would be embarrassed to tell my partner(s) that I have an STI. | 0.66 |
2. I am worried my partner(s) might think I have been unfaithful if I am diagnosed with an STI. | 0.56 |
3. I worry what my partner(s) will think if I tell them I have an STI. | 0.78 |
4. Telling my partner(s) about my STI would be stressful. | 0.74 |
5. Telling my partner(s) about my STI would be awkward. | 0.75 |
6. Telling my partner(s) about my STI would cause an argument. | 0.57 |
response categories: “very untrue of what I believe” to “very true of what I believe;”
factor maxtrix loadings using principal axis factoring