Table II.
HCA content (mg·g−1 d.m.) of medicinal plants extracts.
HCA | CA | CU | P-value | FE | P-value | RS | P-value |
MO | Nd | 0.212±0.02 | (MO/RO) 0.0005 | 0.540±0.04 | (MO/RO) 0.0001 | 9.632±1.25 | (MO/RO) 0.0010 |
RO | Nd | 0.585±0.05 | (RO/SO) 0.0001 | 0.138±0.01 | (RO/SO) 0.018 | 3.310±0.24 | (RO/SO) 0,0001 |
SO | Nd | 0.091±0.01 | (MO/SO) 0.002 | 0.080±0.1 | (MO/SO) 0.0004 | 14.910±0.90 | (MO/SO) 2.7×10−5 |
Data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation, n=2. CA values were Nd as their concentrations were lower than the quantification limit (0.04 mg·g−1 d.m.). RO, Rosmarinus officinalis L.; MO, Melissa officinalis L.; SO, Salvia officinalis L.; HCA, hydroxycinnamic acid; RS, rosmarinic acid; FE, ferulic acid; CA, caffeic acid; CU, coumaric acid; Nd, not detectable; d.m., dry matter.