Figure 5. Properties of cis-eQTL overlap with complex trait associated loci.
a, Enrichment of tissue-specific and tissue-shared eGenes in disease and loss-of-function mutation intolerant genes. Tissue-specific and shared eGenes were defined as eGenes in the bottom and top 10% of the distribution of proportion of tissues with an eQTL effect. Bars represent 95% confidence intervals. b, Proportion of eQTLs (y-axis) discovered as a function of P cutoffs (x-axis). c, Proportion of variants (y-axis) with top associated protein-coding gene shared between tissues at varying P thresholds (x-axis). d, Number of GWAS loci (y-axis) and their co-localization results for each of 21 traits (x-axis), coloured by whether the eGene is the closest expressed gene to the lead GWAS variant. e, Proportion of GWAS loci (y-axis) with a significant co-localization for each of 21 traits (x-axis). Box plots depict the proportion explained in each of 44 tissues, red dots depict the proportion explained by the union of all tissues. Box plots depict the IQR, whiskers depict 1.5× IQR.