Figure 2.
Results of the urinary protein chip test and the lectin blotting test. (a) Urinary protein chip test results. Results were obtained by incubating Cy3-labeled DSA with the urinary protein microarray and used this to analyze urinary protein samples from 32 patients with DN or NDRD. (b) Scatter diagram analysis of the original data achieved from the urinary protein microarrays. Statistical significance of differences between groups is indicated. *P < 0.05, †P < 0.001. (c) ROC curve analysis of DSA to differentiate DN and NDRD, patients AUC = 0.94, P < 0.0001. (d) SDS-PAGE gel and lectin blot of pooled urinary protein from DN and NDRD groups, using DSA. Lane 1, DN Group I; lane 2, DN Group II; lane 3, patients with MN; lane 4, patients with IgAN. (e) The gray value of the protein band of approximately 50,000, marked with the red frame, was measured by ImageJ software. DSA: Datura stramonium agglutinin; ROC: Receiver operating characteristic; AUC: Area under the ROC curve; NDRD: Nondiabetic renal disease; DN: Diabetic nephropathy; IgAN: IgA nephropathy.