Fig. 3.
Quantification of Ca2+ response and ICW propagation. (A) Small-region analysis for determining CICW. Cells #1 and #2 are the cells shown in Fig. 2A (Sd = 30 µm) and Fig. 2C (Sd = 40 µm), respectively. Insets show the schematics for small-region analysis. (B) CICW vs. Sd. The error bars indicate the SD of the calculated averaged uncertainties. (C) Membrane poration and Ca2+ response probability at different Sd. (D) Correlations of the maximum intracellular Ca2+ concentration change Δ[Ca2+]i(max) (filled symbols) and CICW (open symbols) vs. PI uptake in the cytosol at Sd = 30 μm to 50 µm. Results for different Sd are labeled with different symbols and colors. The dashed lines indicate separation of data based on the threshold of PI uptake of 10 (a.u.), and CICW of 30 µm/s. (Inset) CICW vs. the square root of concentration change rate (Δ[Ca2+]i(max)/tr)1/2, where tr is the risetime from baseline to peak concentration. The dashed line represents a linear fitting of the data (R2 = 0.75).