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. 2017 Dec 26;115(2):E200–E209. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1719109115

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Hh blockade impedes TRC renewal by reducing epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation. (A) Diagram of Hedgehog signal transduction mechanism and usage of Smoothened antagonists Vismodegib (GDC-0449) and XL139 (BMS-833923) for Hh blockade, resulting in loss of downstream target Gli1 expression. (B) qRT-PCR analysis of Gli1 expression levels measured from isolated epithelial cells at indicated time points and normalized to the vehicle-treated group. The fourth bar (Redosed) denotes a group of mice from which Gli1 expression was measured 4 h after a second dose of XL139. (C) Experimental scheme. (D) Representative fungiform papillae from K5CreER/+;R26mTmG mice 1 wk after tamoxifen injection treated with vehicle or XL139. Note that K5-expressing lineage (GFP+) gives rise to TRCs (with GFP+K8+ double label; white arrow) and keratinocytes (with GFP+, single-label; open arrowhead). Panel, number of traced K5-lineage cells differentiating into GFP+K8+ double-positive cells per fungiform papilla (n = 26 vehicle- and 23 XL139-treated fungiform papillae; *P = 0.02). (E) Representative fungiform papilla 2 d after last dose of EdU (green, arrows) from mice treated with vehicle or XL139. Panel, number of EdU+ cells per fungiform papilla (n = 149 vehicle- and 118 XL139-treated; 5 mice in each group; **P = 0.008). (F) Immunofluorescence of TUNEL labeling (green) to detect apoptotic TRCs in fungiform papillae. Mice were treated with vehicle or XL139 for 7 d. Panel, frequency of TUNEL+ TRCs among total number of TRCs within each fungiform papilla (n = 56 vehicle- and 81 XL139-treated fungiform papillae from 3 or 4 mice in each group; ns, not significant). (Scale bars, 10 μm.)