KELlo RBC exposure specifically tolerizes recipients to the KEL Ag. C57BL/6 KEL− recipients were exposed to KELlo, KEL, or HOD RBCs alone or to KELlo RBCs, followed by KEL or HOD RBCs, as indicated. IgM anti-KEL (A), IgG anti-KEL (B), IgM anti-HOD (C), or IgG anti-HOD (D) Ab formation was evaluated 5 d (IgM) or 14 d (IgG) posttransfusion. C57BL/6 KEL− recipients were exposed to KEL RBCs, HOD RBCs, RBCs expressing KEL and HOD Ags (KEL × HOD), or KELlo RBCs, followed by a KEL × HOD RBC challenge. IgM anti-KEL (E), IgG anti-KEL (F), IgM anti-HOD (G), or IgG anti-HOD (H) Ab formation was evaluated 5 d (IgM) or 14 d (IgG) days posttransfusion. Error bars indicate SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001, one-way ANOVA.