Figure 1. hm-NAS genes in gastrointestinal microbiota.
a, Phylogenetic tree of N-acyl genes from PFAM13444. hm-NAS genes have a circle at the branch tip. Black dots were not synthesized, red dots were synthesized but no molecule was detected and large grey dots mark genes that produced N-acyl amides. Branches are colored by bacterial phylogeny. b, The major heterologously produced metabolite from each N-acyl family (1–6) is shown. c, hm-NAS gene distribution and abundance [Reads per Kilobase of Gene Per Million Reads (RPKM)] based on molecule family (1–6). Body site and molecule designations in a are based on the analysis shown in c and b. Box plots are median from 1st to 3rd quartile. HMP patient samples analyzed include N = 133 tongue, 127 plaque, 148 stool, 122 buccal.