Identify and prioritize high burden communities by county, census tract, zip codes, rural, or non-metropolitan status
Prioritize persons living in poverty; those with low literacy
Prioritize racial/ethnic minorities, especially African Americans, American Indians/Alaska Natives, and Hispanic/Latino population groups with high CVD risk
Recognize examples of community resilience
Identify supportive community resources
Assess and leverage self-awareness of existing community leaders
Assess community needs, readiness, and desire to address CVD disparities
Leverage disparities data on country of birth, nativity, and acculturation, limited English proficiency
Overlay datasets from different sources, whenever possible
Limitations of county-level data for large metropolitan areas
Community distrust of research
Loss of precision of census data particularly during inter-censal years in small communities
Adverse social determinants of health and multi-morbidity
Cultural variation and need for support in health literacy
Feelings of helplessness, and hopelessness
Dependency on others’ awareness and support
Prejudice, discrimination, overt and institutional racism
Inadequacy and inconsistency in access to health care
Disability from stroke and lower extremity amputation associated with diabetes-magnifying hopelessness and dependency
Insist that researchers recognize the community’s self-identification and needs assessment
Create solutions which support lifespan wellness of individuals and communities
Mitigate contextual challenges (remote areas)
Employ social media in both rural and urban settings
Rely on members of the community as cultural and context interpreters
Identify community organizations where the patients and their supporters gather—extend care beyond the primary care office
Recognize and leverage strength in diversity
View community health more holistically
Use community-centric grant supplements to support technical assistance to communities
Identify resilient communities
Improve health literacy
Identify partners at the local and state levels
Foster upward mobility of self-determined community leaders
Incentivize patients to be better able to self-manage and help others
Challenge researchers to help community develop more resilience
Have an open, and on-going call for partners
Recognize partners and acknowledge their contributions
Leverage virtual connectivity to garner energy and trust from like communities
Integrate community members into the research at an early stage
Vital statistics data and representative sample surveys e.g.:
500 Cities: Local Data for Better Health
CMS Geographic Variation Dashboard
CMS Medicare Chronic Condition Dashboard
CDC Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke
County Health Rankings and Roadmaps