Seek opportunities for building trust
Embrace cultural humility and humanity
Provide tool-kits and resource guide for community partners
Provide training on community engagement strategies and best practices (FAQs, webinars, etc.)
Fund more engagement/ relationship research vs. transactional research
Seek compromise, not consensus
Create research funding opportunities that pair communities with high burden of disease with the funded-researchers who can support them
Program sustainability to include local businesses, government, etc.
Lack of shared resources and engagement between researchers and Community Members
Increased costs for funding both research and community engagement activities
Create a “Community Engagement” Study Section for grant reviews
Add specific grant application review criteria/elements for Community Partners
Increase reviewer training opportunities
Include more junior and early-stage investigators in the application review process
Encourage use of administrative supplements to support lapses in funding community-based research
Promote/reward partnerships for sustainability
Create more community engagement partnerships
Host workshops/town hall meetings solely for community stakeholders and partners at NIH
Engage and promote usage of community advisory boards within funded research projects
Create partnership opportunities to improve health literacy
Community Campus Partnership for Health (CCPH) model
CTSA Consortium Community Engagement Key Function Committee Task Force on the Principles of Community Engagement
Community-Based Public Health Caucus
RWJF Culture of Health
Community Engagement Models from PCORI
CDC, ATSDR Models and Frameworks for the Practice of Community Engagement
Loyola Univ. Certification Program on Community Engagement
NIEHS Community-Engaged Research and Citizen Science
PEPH Resource Center
CPBR academy resources
AHRQ Activities Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Address Health Care Disparities